Parent Information

Thank you for letting us share God's love with your students and serve both them and you.  Never hesitate to contact one of the Youth Staff, we would love to do all that we can to communicate with you. 


MVC Youth Group Name…RISE

RISE is an acronym that promotes the vision we hope to pursue and embody as a Christ-centered community of students, parents, small group leaders, and staff: 
We are rooted in being Relational.
We work towards Intentionality.
We seek to be Servant Minded.
We foster a culture of Encouragement.

Why Rise?

Aside from being a nifty acronym and logo, we believe that the verb “Rise” effectively communicates who we are. Yes, we are all about having fun, engaging in meaningful conversations, and serving both locally and abroad as a group of youth. Yet our identity is, first and foremost, a community that has been loved by God the Father, purchased by the blood of his Son Jesus, and brought back to life by the power of the Holy Spirit. We, as a staff, felt that the name “MVC Youth Ministry,” while useful in conveying who we minister too, lacked the purposeful “why” behind all that we say and do. By comparison, the name RISE allows us to express both our identity and values in one word:

We call ourselves RISE because it affirms the Gospel truth that we have been raised with Christ. (Rom 6:4).

We promote the core value of RISE, because as risen people we are to “set our hearts on the things above” (Col 3:1).

Towards this end, we are rooted in being relational, work towards intentionality, seek to be servant-minded, and we foster a culture of encouragement.


Rise Logo Breakdown

 Two arrows pointing upward indicate our position of looking upward to the Lord.
The top arrow is bold to represent our primary affection for the Lord. The bottom arrow is representing how leaders while partnering with parents, will orient their life around serving and praising the Lord – they also seek to teach youth to do this as well through RISE.  Our small group leaders are trained to come alongside parents while students are going through the phases of life.  Parents, you are an amazing influence in the lives of your students. You get 3,000 hours a year with your kid, whereas youth small group average about 40. Forty is significant, but 3,000 means they're looking at you and what you do in your walk way more than they're looking at us. However, you are not alone in this.  We want to equip, support, and encourage you as your kids’ primary spiritual influence as best as we can. By doing so, each student that walks through our doors should be connected with an adult that the youth department has stamped as a great influence for your kid. Small group leaders will meet with your kid every week to talk about how God can change their life.