1. Who is in your family (people and pets)?
My husband, Daniil, and my little orange cat Tiberius Doom
2. What is your favorite drink from Starbucks?
Depends on the day, but I love a raspberry java chip frap
3. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
An actress/ singer. Basically a Disney princess
4. What is your dream vacation destination?
Tokyo, Japan or a private beach in Maui
5. What singer/band are you embarrassed to admit you like?
No embarrassment here, I'll proudly admit my love for early 2000s pop music
6. Finish this sentence..."The world needs more..."
Kindness and patience
7. Who do you admire?
People who always have positive energy and being optimistic about their lives.
8. When is it okay to start listening to Christmas music?
9. What makes you smile?
Kids and animals
10. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Night owl forever
11. What is your favorite Bible verse?
Matthew 5:14-16