Serve on Sunday Mornings
There are many opportunities to serve on Sunday mornings at Maple Valley Church!

Everyone loves being greeted with a heartfelt "welcome!" If you would like to be the warm and friendly face for our church friends and visitors, we would love to have you on the Host Team. You will be stationed at the upper entrance, family room, and landings to direct people to service check-in (lobby) or as they enter the sanctuary for worship, where you will seat individuals as necessary and assist with the offering.

The role of a hospitality team member is to make sure the Sunday morning environment at MVC is welcoming to members and guests alike. Hospitality Team members need to be detail oriented problem solvers, looking for those things that are out of place or might hinder a person's ability to feel at home on a Sunday morning. Subsequently, they need to be willing and able to proactively solve such issues.

We'd love to have you be part of our team! There are two opportunities for you to serve. You can arrive early on Sunday morning to prepare coffee and make sure our refreshment area is fully stocked, or stay after the service to tidy up and store the supplies.

NEXT environment volunteers help people identify and take their "next step" at MVC and perhaps in their walk with the Lord. These volunteers serve before and after service answering questions, welcoming new guests and having conversations about the many opportunities available at MVC for spiritual growth.