Men's Ministry

There are numerous opportunities at MVC for men to have community, take on projects, serve, learn, challenge and help one another.

Castle Brigade

Mondays · 7:00 am

We meet weekly in the upstairs chapel for breakfast, study and service projects.
The projects help MVC and provide a great time of fellowship. Come and join us anytime!



Men's Bible Study Fellowship

 Mondays · 6:45 pm to 8:15 pm


Come join us for our Men's Bible Study Fellowship beginning September 11th.

Our study will be John's Gospel: The Truth

In a world filled with all sorts of truth claims – even “find your own truth” –  Jesus stands alone. He boldly proclaims Himself as the only source of freedom, peace, truth, meaning, sustenance, security, and everlasting life with God. Which leaves us asking: Are Jesus’s claims true?
We are excited to invite you to examine Jesus’s claims for your own life in John’s Gospel: The Truth.


PLEASE REGISTER ON THE BSF WEBSITE by clicking Request to Join.

A BSF men's class offers straight talk and biblical truth built on the foundation of Jesus Christ. Every week, men come together to study the Bible, learn from one another, and be challenged and encouraged to live for something larger than themselves.